Bangor Railway Station
The station is a natural travel hub for the city, presently handicapped by the motor-dominated area around it. There is a proposal for new infrastructure in and around Bangor railway station, to allow it to function as it should for people using every mode of transport. This requires safe access, car parking, and dry secure storage for bikes. Here we sketch an outline of one approach only, and only in the immediate environs of the station. See our other pages for further recommendations.
Yellow squares: Light-controlled junction with all-direction bike/pedestrian-only phase
Narrow red lines: One-way active travel lane
Thick red lines: Two-way active travel lane
Purple circles: Bicycle storage facility - open stands for those who don't want to pay, automated carded facility for those who are prepared to pay a reasonable price for dry secure storage.
Black arrows: One-way motor route
Yellow line: Light-controlled section (one way at a time for motor traffic)